Dear Church Family,

In 1 Samuel 15:22-23, God speaks to us through the prophet Samuel about silence and listening. In part he says, “…to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams….”

Saul, the first king of Israel, did not know much about silence or listening to God. Like David, he was a gifted, anointed, successful military and political leader. Yet unlike David, we never see him seeking to be with God. This is why Samuel reprimands Saul in this passage. He is doing many religious acts – offering up burnt offerings and sacrifices – but not quieting himself enough to listen or “to heed” God. I like what Mother Teresa says about this, “I always begin my prayer in silence, for it is in the silence of the heart that God speaks. God is a friend of silence.” Another way of saying this is what my mother used to say to me and my siblings, “God gave you two ears and one mouth, so that you will listen twice as much as you talk.” Well I think you get the idea. Let’s make more room in our lives for silence in order to listen to God.


On-Line Services:

We continue with our on-line services with a broadcast on Sunday at 9:30am on the church’s Facebook page. We have only two more weeks of broadcasting the CWS. Starting on February 14 we will be broadcasting my sermon at 11:00am by putting it on the church’s Facebook page.

Baby Dedication: UPDATE

The dedication for Liam Thomas has been postponed until February 7thdue to some of the extended family members testing for Covid-19. Please be in prayer for the Thomas/Kennedy family as some have been diagnosed with the virus.

Deacon Ministry

Last Thursday our Deacons met and elected the following individuals to serve:

  • Chairman: Joseph Stepp
  • Vice Chairman: Terry Bullock
  • Secretary: Carolyn Lane

Also, if you watched last Sunday’s CWS you saw that we ordained Lisa Shields and along with McWayne Williams and Terry Bullock they were installed as active Deacons. We also bid farewell to the following individuals who rolled of as active Deacons.

  • Doug Farris
  • Sherry Brillhart
  • Charles Cushing

In addition to Joseph, Terry and Carolyn, our Deacons for this year are:

  • Charlie Stevens
  • Jeff Diritto
  • Jake Phelix
  • McWayne Williams
  • Lisa Shields

Please lift up in prayer our Deacons as they help navigate the church through this pandemic and the various challenges we face as a church body.


Business Meeting:

This past Sunday our business meeting became a “Town Hall” as we did not have a quorum in order to have an official business meeting. However, important information was disseminated. If you have not received the church’s business meeting minutes from last October, they will be posted on REALM asap.

The meeting minutes from this past Sunday will be posted when made available.


Church Family News

Remember in prayer:

  1. Jean Davis who is facing a cardiac medical procedure
  2. Members of Carolyn Lane’s family who have been diagnosed with Covid-19.
  3. Roger, Haley and Caleb Kennedy diagnosed with Covid-19.
  4. All those in our congregation known and unknown who need prayers for a variety of issues.
  5. All our frontline workers, in and out of our church, who work hard each day serving and protecting us during this pandemic.

I love you all,

Pastor Frank