Upcoming Events

We will be having VBS at BGBC. This will be an amazing time for your child to enjoy having fun with other kids while hearing the Gospel.

Kid’s Night
Every Wednesday our community kids 1st-12th grade meet at BGBC building. Games, bible lessons, and dinner are provided!

Kid’s Night
Every Wednesday our community kids 1st-12th grade meet at BGBC building. Games, bible lessons, and dinner are provided!

Kid’s Night
Every Wednesday our community kids 1st-12th grade meet at BGBC building. Games, bible lessons, and dinner are provided!
Kid’s Night
Every Wednesday our community kids 1st-12th grade meet at BGBC building. Games, bible lessons, and dinner are provided!

Kid’s Night
Every Wednesday our community kids 1st-12th grade meet at BGBC building. Games, bible lessons, and dinner are provided!

Kid’s Night
Every Wednesday our community kids 1st-12th grade meet at BGBC building. Games, bible lessons, and dinner are provided!