Dear Church Family,

Holy Week is often referred to as “Passion week” by some Christians.  When we hear the word passion we usually think of strong emotion or intense love.  However, the Latin word “passio” originally meant to “endure suffering.”  So, for Jesus it was undoubtedly a week of strong emotions and suffering.

For Jesus the week began with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem with a throng of people hailing Him as the King!  He later showed his anger toward the hypocrisy of the merchants and money changers who had set up shop in the vicinity of the Temple.

As the week progressed, the crucifixion grew nearer.  Mary of Bethany anointed Him for burial.  Judas planned his betrayal and Jesus celebrated the last Passover with His disciples.  Later that night, He took His disciples to Gethsemane where He prayed fervently.  He shared His anguish at the thought not only of the upcoming torture, but also for the first time in history, He would be removed from the presence of God’s love.

Following several sham trials and brutal beatings through the night and into the next day, Jesus was finally crucified – nailed to a wooden cross by His hands and feet.  He hung there until He died later that day and then He was placed in a tomb.

My, how quickly things can change. 

We’ve seen our share of changes these past few weeks.  It’s been a traumatic whirlwind of change.  So much has changed and virtually everyone has been impacted by it.  We wonder, will it ever be the same again?  And when?  These must have been the same questions the disciples and followers of Jesus must have had as well.  The answer was not long in coming for when the tomb was opened three days later; His body was gone!  He later appeared to his disciples and followers.

My, how quickly things can change.  And they will for us as well.  The resurrection proves that. 

I love you all,

Pastor Frank