Dear Church Family,

I’ve been spending time in God’s word looking for stories that speak to our situation.  How did Jesus handle times of crisis?  In John chapter 11 we have an excellent example in the story of Lazarus.  As you recall, Jesus was going about doing ministry when he got the news that His good friend, Lazarus, was gravely sick.  What does Jesus do next?  Rush to his best friend’s side.  No.  He waits a full two days before going to Bethany.  He seems to be almost nonchalant.  He is certainly patient.  He doesn’t panic.  But when He gets there something remarkable happens.  He enters in and with deep empathy toward Mary and Martha he shows his own emotions and weeps.  This is another of those divine moments where we see the full humanity of Jesus converging with the full divinity of Jesus.  And while He is shedding tears, he finds His voice and cries out; “Lazarus, come out.”

Lazarus comes out and this changes everything!

Dear friends, this is what Jesus does.  When our lives are turned upside down, when we’re not sure which way is up, and we’re not sure when it will all end, Jesus enters the chaos and He speaks words of life and hope.  When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He did more than just return him to a normal life.  In fact, I submit that everything about Lazarus (and those who witnessed this miracle) was different after he was raised – a new normal.  So, I’m praying and asking you to pray as well, not just for a recovery because recovery only takes us back to where we once were before the crisis.  Instead let us pray for healing.  Healing ushers us into a new and better place.  We need more than recovery, we need healing.  And what we see from this wonderful story, healing is what Jesus is all about.


  1. Our prayer time continues on Sunday mornings at 11:30am and Wednesdays at 7pm.  Call: 712-432-8399 and when prompted enter the following code: 279785# 
  1. Our office remains open on Mondays from 9am-1pm. Calls are to the office are being forwarded to Judy’s cell phone number.  If she doesn’t answer, keep calling.   You can also reach me at 703-405-7881 (cell).  Or via email:  [email protected]
  1. As a reminder we will continue our on-line services at 10am on Sundays through April and until further notice.  Clearly we will continue to abide by the protocols and guidance issued from the Commonwealth.   Once that changes, then we will make an announcement.
  1. Keep checking the church website, Facebook page and the church “Pathways” page. There is information that is relevant to most people.  There are also devotionals, children’s ministry assistance, announcements, etc.
  1. As I shared this past Easter Sunday we rejoice with the Mallory family in that Tracey has recovered from the Covid-19 virus and is out of quarantine. Pray for:
  1. James Madison as he continues to struggle with his infirmities and is hospitalized.
  2. Betty Williams who broke her toe.
  3. Macwayne Williams who is quarantined after being exposed to the virus – but has not tested positive at this time.
  4. All our incredible health professionals, and those who are working to keep us safe and healthy and living as normal lives as possible.
  5. Angie Fines whose husband, J.D. is hospitalized and facing surgery.
  6. Jamie Schuman who is quarantined at home as a precaution after being exposed to the virus.

Submit your prayer requests via email or text to me (my contact information is listed above) or Judy at the church email address.

I love you all,

Pastor Frank