Dear Church Family,

I hope you were able to read the letter/devotional from Brad Pack today.  It really spoke to me when he emailed it to me and I thought many others would enjoy reading it and be encouraged by it.

Something else spoke to me recently.  I was looking at some of the photos from my trip to the Holy Land and came across some pictures of the Sea of Galilee.  Some of the pictures were taken from a boat on an excursion we took out on that sea.  While on the boat we read the story from Matthew 14 where Jesus and the disciples were in a boat crossing from one shore to the other and were suddenly overtaken by a storm.  The disciples, as the Bible says, were terrified.  Jesus in order to calm their fears and the storm ventured out onto the water and began to walk.  And then this happened; “….then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out. Lord, save me!” 

Like Peter, we are invited to come toward Jesus with our eyes fixed on Him.  When the world around us is crashing down, Jesus calls us to a place above the water.  He draws us to Himself and offers peace and security that defies the laws of circumstance.

In this chaos that we find ourselves in, Jesus still reaches out to lift us atop the waves.  He doesn’t just save us from drowning, he rescues us into the secure comfort of His presence.  All we have to do is “fix our gaze” on Him.  When we lock eyes with Him, the One who walks on waters, He infuses us with peace and courage in the midst of uncertainty.  He not only secures our survival, He restores our soul.


Observance of the Lord’s Supper

On Sunday, May 3rd during our on-line service, we will enter into a time of taking the Lord’s Supper together.  I’ll be serving our worship team in the FMC and I’m asking that you participate at home.  Please obtain a piece of bread or cracker and some water or juice before joining us.  Remember, what you use is not as important as what it symbolizes, so please don’t worry about having the “right” elements or in having an ordained person present.  It’s the presence of Jesus that only matters and He is present in the elements that we consecrate and partake together.



  1. Our prayer time continues on Sunday mornings at 11:30am and Wednesdays at 7pm.  Call: 712-432-8399 and when prompted enter the following code:279785# 
  1. Our office remains open on Mondays from 9am-1pm. Calls are to the office are being forwarded to Judy’s cell phone number.  If she doesn’t answer, keep calling.   You can also reach me at 703-405-7881 (cell).  Or via email:  [email protected]
  1. We will continue our on-line services at 10am on Sundays until further notice.  Clearly we will continue to abide by the protocols and guidance issued from the Commonwealth.   Once that changes, then we will make an announcement.
  1. Keep checking the church website, Facebook page and the church “Pathways” page. There is information that is relevant to most people.  There are also devotionals, children’s ministry assistance, announcements, etc.
  1. Let’s continue to lift up in prayer those in our church family and others that are near and dear to us:
  1. James Madison who is in the BGRC.
  2. Lisa Shields who is having orthopedic issues with her shoulder. Also daughter Kristin whose wedding is currently scheduled for this October and is praying that nothing changes.
  3. All our incredible health professionals, and those who are working to keep us safe and healthy and living as normal lives as possible.
  4. Charlene Gray’s uncle who is a pastor in NYC and has been exposed to Covid-19. Also her 90 year old Grandmother in New York.  Pray for protection, strength and perseverance.

Submit your prayer requests via email or text to me (my contact information is listed above) or Judy at the church email address.

I love you all,

Pastor Frank